Life has to be enjoyed while you still can. We have to count each day as a blessing in the midst of all things as our tomorrow is not ours until we are at it. Life is full of surprises and though we may be tied up to our own different stories, the fact will always remain that we should accept things and grasp what is applicable to us
despite your situation and that is exactly a motto that we at the Veilomani Boys Home upholds to be applicable to us. We have taken each day at a time and everything just fall into pieces as we face the reality of what life can offer within the four walls of our our institution which we call our Home during the validation of our care plan order. It is the sharing of the little things around us that we count as important with the hours of doing things together from planting our vegetables, baking our pies and enjoying the evening with a suitable movie in the comforts of our living room. We are indeed fortunate to have key workers who ensures that we are not left behind with upskilling programs such as tilting the land for vegetable farming and baking pies for tea. We acknowledge the great work that they are doing that apart from supervising us in the space provided we are also taught on the importance of utilizing the small things that is around us.
Boys enjoying the afternoon titling the land for vegetable gardening
The boys also took time to bake as part of their upskilling and recreation during their Saturday evening program
Time spent watching TV after enjoying a cup of tea with a taste of a piece of pie from their bakers.